At the Butcher Shop

She stared over the roasts at the stains on his apron. He shifted anxiously. His glance avoided the bruised cheek and swollen left eye. She noticed his discomfort.

“I fell down the basement steps. Clumsy of me, wasn’t it.”

“Oh, yes. We all have our moments.”

Silence regained its hold. Her eyes shifted again to the red splotches.

“Is it difficult to get the stains…you know, the blood out of your apron?”

He looked down. “No, not really. I go through a lot of presoaking and bleach, but the red does eventually disappear.”

“No stains at all?”

“No, nothing to remind you of the blood.”

Her eyes were lowered until they became affixed on the steel object in his hand. Seconds passed in awkward silence.

“Where do you buy your boning knives?”

He looked down. The utensil glinted. “I buy them at a shop at Elm and Eastern, best supplies in the city.”

She cleared her throat. “And, uh, they have grinders too, you know for hamburger?”

“Yes, anything you might need,” he hesitated, “for whatever you had in mind. Some are heavy duty.”

Her eyes scanned the ground meats. “What’s the best combination for meatloaf? I’d like to surprise my husband. He prefers something hearty after a few pints.”

“Most any meat will work, but ground chuck, Italian sausage and veal is my favorite. Use breadcrumbs and whatever spices you like. Oh, yea, and an egg will bind it.”

She stood motionless. Her eyes closed and the corners of her mouth twitched as if a smile tried to form. The butcher noticed.

“And can I help you?”

Her hands danced nervously. She looked up. A ceiling fan whirred.

“No, no thank you…you have been a great help.” She walked away. He followed her silent departure. At the door she turned back.

“Where did you say that shop was located…the one where you buy the knives?”

“It’s at the corner of Elm and Eastern.”

“And they have the best selection in the city?”

Their eyes met briefly.

“Yes, and cleavers too, you know for big pieces.”

She smiled and slowly opened the door. The bell above it tinkled joyously.

“I hope he enjoys the surprise.”

“Yes…I think he will be speechless.” “Bon Appetit.”

