Life on a Two Lane Road
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

Life on a Two Lane Road

Usually when a four lane highway is narrowing to two lanes there is plenty of notice in advance. Signs point out the change far from when it actually happens, and arrows painted on the road itself reinforce the notion that changes are upon you and you’d better merge or be left hanging. However, life is usually not so cooperative.

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The Friday Afternoon Club
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

The Friday Afternoon Club

With the legal limit of persons allowed to congregate at six, we (four of our British friends have lowered their standards to allow a couple of Americans to join with them) have started meeting each Friday afternoon for late lunch. This is how we’re getting through the curfew.

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Blogging through the Pandemic: Desperate for Subjects
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

Blogging through the Pandemic: Desperate for Subjects

The virus has dictated much of our lives the past year as lockdown has ebbed into curfew. As a way to avoid cocktail hour beginning at noon, I have been busy writing. The first is Alexa a story triggered by frustration experienced in my futile struggle to coexist with technological devices.

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Book Review: L’Origine
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

Book Review: L’Origine

I have agreed to, upon occasion, review books involving French themes for France Book Tours. The first novel is an historical work based on a controversial painting by Gustave Courbet.

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Lockdown Blues: Addendum
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

Lockdown Blues: Addendum

Finally the second collection of short stories is in print. It’s amazing the number of decisions which accompany taking manuscripts to the final product. You can now find Thinking, Just Thinking on Amazon - and here you can find a further preview.

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Lockdown Blues
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

Lockdown Blues

Here is another sample of the stories which will be released later this month in Thinking, Just Thinking.

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