Keeping in Touch

Julie and I just received a letter from the US. It’s the first one to be delivered directly to us in Quillan. All other correspondence is sent to our daughter who forwards it. I can’t explain this exception. The possibilities are limited.

One explanation might be that the sender’s initials are DJT. He’s known for many things, but generosity and caring are usually not among them. People change. Maybe he’s a department store Santa in December and no one knows. After all, he secretly donated $130,000 to some stripper he had only just “met”.

He has elevated the status of numerous leaders around the world. Kim Jung Un was just a “rocket boy” until he agreed to meet personally. Now he has a platform not just in his little corner of Asia, but on the world stage. Vladimir Putin seems to have received a boost as has Chairman Xi. Prince Mohammed of Saudi Arabia enjoys his blessing and Boris Johnson is in his debt and not just as a hairstyle consultant.

Numerous Americans of dubious backgrounds have been afforded legitimacy as part of his administration and the dedication to family that has been displayed is admirable. Mnuchin is now a familiar face not only because of his wife’s designer wardrobe. DJT Jr. is no longer just a big game killer, Jerad has risen above slumlord of Jersey and Ivanka is now a well-known clothes seller. And the lawyers with whom he surrounds himself have enjoyed moments of notoriety. Rudy is currently a fixture on talk shows.  

The letter outlines how almost single-handedly he has fought to ensure our “health and safety” by “proudly signing into law” the CARES Act. We received $1200 each. Hardly seems fair. The Secret Service detail gets the same plus weekends at the Mar-I-Largo resort.

It’s not only the money; it is more the words of encouragement included in the letter. Of all the successful coaches I’ve known over the years, none have ever delivered similar words to rally a team. “Just as we have done before, America will triumph yet again-and rise to new heights of greatness. We will do it together, as one nation, stronger than ever before.” Give that one at halftime and you’d have to wake them up for the second half.

On the reverse side of the letter is a language with which I’m not familiar. You’d think since he was thoughtful enough to find us living in France it would be French, but I know it’s Spanish. Seems a little ironic to me. After all his efforts to keep those whose language is Spanish out of America and remove those of that background from the US, the choice is puzzling. But it is an election year. I’m anticipating a follow up delivery-a red baseball cap.


A Taste of My Writings: The Dark Side of the Dune & Feline Meanderings


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