Olivier Lacourt of Platanes Pizza

Several years ago, Ju and I met Olivier Lacourt. We were dining at the Platanes for the first time and the greeting from the smiling face who seated us was genuinely warm. The food was good, but the service was exceptional and made the night memorable. Many visits later, after witnessing Olivier serve groups of twenty or more as well as intimate date nights, the conclusion is clear - he is the best waiter ever to serve us. One night last year, Ju and I picked our youngest daughter up at the Marseilles airport, but returned to Quillan at five minutes after ten. We stopped at the Platanes, hoping to beg the staff for a pizza to go; instead Olivier set up a table and served us. We finished thirty minutes later, well after closing. Recently I got to know him better, and l am excited to share his story with you. His English is better than my French, so this should be accurate.

Olivier was born in Amiens and lived there until the age of ten. His move to Nice triggered a lifelong passion for water sports. He loves anything related to the sea - especially scuba diving. Corsica is the site of his favorite diving experiences. He remained in the Nice area for 17 years, lived in Montpellier for a few years before settling in the Haute Valley seven years ago. Quillan has no sea, but lakes and rivers allow for swimming and kayaking. He and life partner Adeline live with their four year old son in Puivert. She shares his love of all water sports.

Olivier is not the stereotypical waiter looking for a break in the movies or theater, or longing to own his own restaurant. He genuinely enjoys serving patrons. “It’s an active job.” That’s an understatement. Each service he logs many kilometers shuffling among the tables. The element of his job he likes best is the interaction with the diners. His first position was at La Pizza in Nice at the age of 17 and he has continued serving, the last five years at the Platanes. His least favorite patron is the drunk.

Many years ago he bought and refurbished a home in Quillan to accommodate his mother and siblings who had encountered hard times. Now his mother lives in the home and the three other apartments are rented. He likes the Aude - it has enough activities, yet life is peaceful. His plan is to stay in the area until he retires. Then the plans become exotic.

He has traveled extensively, and the favorite destination is Southeast Asia. He has visited Rome and speaks some Italian, but Europe is not a preferred vacation spot. Brazil holds memories, but he spoke most passionately about Thailand. “Brazil has too much crime.” His dream is to own a section of beach with a few bungalows - nothing fancy. “I guess I’d have to have a restaurant,” he stated reluctantly. “My guests would have to eat. I’d never own a restaurant in France; too many taxes!”

There are many good restaurants in and around the Haute Valley, and numerous good servers. Finishing second to Olivier is no slight. He’s an excellent waiter and he’s a great guy.


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