UNABASHEDLY LETTING OTHERS RAVE ABOUT MY WRITING subtitle "I just discovered reviews of my books on Amazon"

Every once in a while, a good day turns into something much more. Today is a perfect example of one of those. It's a Saturday and to most of you still gainfully employed that in itself makes it special. Instead of trudging off to the source of your paycheck, you are preparing to spend the day recreating. The form you choose will be unique to your tastes. Golfers golf, bakers bake, readers read, nappers nap, knitters knit. To us who for forty plus years followed routines but no longer toil as we once did, Saturdays are just another day, one of seven, one of twenty-eight, one of 365. Whether you are in the daily grind or retired like myself, it is probably accurate to say that how the day starts will impact your assessment of it at day's end. An unsolicited hug from your five-year-old or a platter of pancakes fresh off the griddle will register a much higher score than a car that won't start on a below zero morning. Use your memory to relate your own past to the good and the bad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Get to the point! Today at 5:30 am my day went from routine to special within a very few minutes. Explanation: My book club meets monthly at seven pm CST. Figure in the seven-hour difference between Des Moines and Marseillan, France and that means that it's two am CET when I join the zoom. For next month's book we are reading Steinbeck's Cannery Row. I logged onto Amazon to purchase a copy and while I was in the neighborhood, I decided to check on my books available there. Suddenly my day blossomed. For the first time I scrolled down and read unsolicited reviews by customers. Why I had never before done that I have no idea. Probably the fear of rejection 
overpowered curiosity. The reviews were great and like the Grinch's heart, my ego grew accordingly. To further pad my ego, I share with you what I found.

Morning Wine from May 29, 2023
"Beautiful writing"
I highly recommend this powerful collection of short stories with a variety of interesting characters and a real mix of humorous and somber moods and lessons. The writing is succinct, eloquent and worth your time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  from December 22, 2022
"Love this collection."
Really appreciate the wit and tone of these stories. Easy, engaging and enjoyable reads

Thinking, Just Thinking from February 6, 2021
"Great Variety"
This book was an easy read but very enjoyable. The seventeen stories were very different. The author is not only very creative, but he can explore a great variety of themes through these stories. He paints a vivid picture in many of the stories with his command of the language and his knowledge of many different topics. Some of the stories are entertaining and humorous and some challenge you to think and yet others play on human emotions. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Trapped in the Inferno
no date
I love the way Carbee weaves present day intrigue and romance with 14th century Dante's Inferno spiced up with wonderful descriptions of France, Italy and even Minnesota.

Escape from the Inferno
April 25, 2023
"Intrigue, love and murder"
very enjoyable book that weaves in Dante's Inferno, love, death, intrigue and murder. A real page turner.                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          February 13, 2023
A real page turner with beautifully written romance, intrigue, mystery, evil and murder.

May your tomorrow start with the sun shining brightly and gentle breezes carrying your boat across calm waters.

Amazon.com : Jack Carbee Book




RENAISSANCE-The Rebirth of my blog