Upcoming Release: Thinking, Just Thinking
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

Upcoming Release: Thinking, Just Thinking

Every once in a while I get a chance to promote my writings. This is just such an opportunity. Ideas invade my strange mind and bingo - a story emerges from the distant mists. The second collection of short stories is on its way.

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Keeping in Touch
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

Keeping in Touch

He’s known for many things, but generosity and caring are usually not among them. People change. Maybe he’s a department store Santa in December and no one knows.

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A Taste of My Writings: Dark Chocolate
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

A Taste of My Writings: Dark Chocolate

From time to time I will offer a taste of the workings of my imagination with the hope that you will pursue the rest of the story. This post will give you a look into one story: Dark Chocolate.

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Jack Carbee Jack Carbee


One of my favorite places to pass the few hours of relaxation that fit into my schedule is by the lake in Central Park. Amid the chaos of doing business in New York it allows for recharging energy and retraining focus.

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At the Butcher Shop
Jack Carbee Jack Carbee

At the Butcher Shop

She stared over the roasts at the stains on his apron. He shifted anxiously. His glance avoided the bruised cheek and swollen left eye. She noticed his discomfort.

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